Drinking to match your output is crucial to success. Too much and too little can be problematic. Just low levels of dehydration can see a massive drop in your performance and this is especially important on hot days.
Many of us are not drinking enough quality water. This puts additional load on our bodies and can slow or stall our running and riding goals.
It is important to drink the right amount of water each day for you based on your weight. The simple way to work this out is 0.033 litres per kg of body weight, which give or take, is around the following amounts:
60 kg = 2 litres
75 kg = 2.5 litres
90 kg= 3 litres
105 kg = 3.5 litres
You should plan to increase this by around 500ml for every hour of exercise and you should have an additional glass for every coffee or tea that you drink.
On race day sipping small amounts consistently and keeping track of how much you have taken in you are less likely to have problems. If you are feeling thirsty it’s actually already too late, you are dehydrated and will have a drop in performance so don’t let it come to that. We recommend adding electrolytes to to help the absorption of the water and your body function. We have had great results with Hammer Nutrtion Endurolytes.
Thank you to Neil Wagstaff of Peak Fitness for supplying the content.