Now in its 32nd year, entries are now open for MCL Construction TRIPLE PEAKS, to be held on 7 March 2020.
With exactly 6 months until event date, organisers are already busy planning, with some exciting new features in the pipeline.
‘’As one of Hawke’s Bay’s toughest challenges, this event is a fantastic target to train for over the summer months, with distances and categories for everyone,’’ comments Emma Buttle, Event Co-Director.
‘’For 2020, we are firmly focussed on raising funds to purchase at least 1000 native trees for Te Mata Park. Entrants can choose from manuka, kowhai, rewarewa, ngaio or totara. These will go in the ground during next planting season,’’ adds Ms. Buttle.
As an event that has deep roots in Hawke’s Bay, organisers are delighted that proceeds are going to Te Mata Park. ‘’It's essential that the event retains its local flavour. Over the last 2 years we have fundraised a total of $26,067 from Triple Peaks proceeds.’’
MCL Construction TRIPLE PEAKS covers 55km of private land as well as Te Mata Peak and finishes at Havelock North Village Green. The event is described as challenging, rugged and intensely rewarding.
‘’Triple Peaks encompasses everything that we love about Hawke’s Bay, with breath-taking views and fantastic tough terrain,’’ comments Ms. Buttle. ‘’It is a great event for the bucket list!’’
Organisers are also working hard to attract elite athletes aiming to ‘bring home the bacon’.
’’We are delighted to announce that there will be $7000 in prize money for the 2020 event,’’ comments Ms. Buttle. ‘’This is thanks to four new sponsors who have joined our team, Firth Concrete, Strata Group, Lattey Group and Patton Engineering.’’
As the person responsible for course design, Co-Director Richard Mills is already planning which route to take. “We want to ensure that the course is seriously good, and well marked. We will make a few adjustments to the course and Transition Area in 2020, ensuring it safer for everyone involved.’’
Whilst 2019 Triple Peaks was a resounding success with over 730 competitors, organisers are making slight changes to the categories. “A new 2 Peak solo walker category is being introduced, covering 37 kms. And the One Peak Explorer will go over Chambers Farm and Te Mata Peak in 2020,’’ adds Mr. Mills. ‘’We are also keen to attract more teenagers to the event, so have substantially reduced the entry fee for Schools teams.’’
Keen to extend their reach, organisers are also promoting MCL Construction Triple Peaks beyond Hawke’s Bay. ‘’Whilst 30% of our entrants were from out of town in 2019, we believe we can further expand on this, attracting significant numbers of competitors from out of the region, with their friends and families, enjoying everything that Hawke’s Bay has to offer,’’ comments Ms. Buttle.
All entrants receive a Finisher’s Medal, a complimentary glass of GIANT Brewing beer (over 18 only) and can enjoy live music during the course and at the event village.
Competitors can run, walk or mountain bike the 55 kms course, either solo or in a team of 3 people. ‘’Participants will traverse private land on Mount Erin, Mount Kahuranaki and Te Mata Peak,’’ comments Mr. Mills. ‘’The views along the course are simply spectacular.’’